News Archive
Engaging Research and Innovation to Build Digital and Climate-Resilient Agri-Food Systems
By: Irene Annor-Frempong[i], Aggrey Agumya [ii]& Benjamin Abugri[iii] The African Union-European Union (AU-EU) Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) is making significant strides in building digital...
Roadmap Review – Africa regional and continental level Consultations
20 September 2024. Roadmap Review - Africa regional and continental level Consultations Organised by the CEA-FIRST project. This forward-looking project aims, among others, to operationalise the International Research Consortium (IRC) on FNSSA, in line with the FNSSA...
AFAAS Stakeholder Engagement/ Consultation with Farmers & NGOs
29 August 2024. AFAAS Stakeholder Engagement/ Consultation with Farmers & NGOs. Download the programme here The African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) launched a partnership under the AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) in 2016, creating a ten-year Roadmap...
CEA-FIRST, the Consortium Europe Africa on Research and Innovation for Food Systems Transformation Project Kicks off
12 – 14 February 2024. Tema in Accra, Ghana. The African Union and the European Union alongside a number of implementing partners have launched the Consortium Europe-Africa on Research and Innovation for Food Systems Transformation #CEA_FIRST Project aimed at...