WP 5 | Implementing IRC functions through stakeholder engagement.
Leading Partner : UH/FANRPAN
Supporting Partners : CIRAD, WUR, YPARD, CORAF, ARC, All partners
List of tasks
Task 5.1 Enhancing Policy coherence in the IRC |
Task 5.2 Initiate the programming cycling for the IRC |
Task 5.2 Promote Linkages and visibility with other FNSSA actors, programs, and initiatives |
D5.1 – List of funders forming WGs and their funding strategies
D5.2 –Support for the AU-EU HLPD SOM
D5.3 – Position paper on the policy-coherence between AU-EU member states and the IRC
D5.4 – Reflections on workshops and events
D5.5 – Report on knowledge brokerage and research upscaling in the FNSSA
D5.6 – IRC sustainable financing Plan
D5.7 – Report of the implementation of the Funders Working group activities
Activity 5.1.1 focuses on strengthening policy interactions with policy makers in collaboration with the PANAP network.
Activity 5.1.2 supports the IRC in organizing annual multi-national, continental, and inter-continental policy engagement events and provides support for the AU-EU HLPD SOM
Activity 5.1.3 develops the IRC R&I policy framework by identifying key focus areas for research
Activity 5.2.1 prepares demand-driven research topics/program/actions fitting with the FNSSA Roadmap
Activity 5.2.2 Based on funder’s mobilization as organized in task 3.3.2, prepares guidelines to launch a pilot flagship initiative.
Activity 5.3.1.facilitates cross-learning and alignment with other AU/EU actors, programs, and initiatives.
Activity 5.3.2 on brokerage and upscaling of R&I in FNSSA will bring together resources and stakeholders to adapt and disseminate technologies and solutions that align with the FNSSA Roadmap objectives
Purpose of WP5
WP5 supports the IRC in implementing its functioning by piloting some of the functions and governance structures defined, through the inclusion of IRC Working Groups on aspects of policy making, research funding, research conducting, and knowledge brokerage and innovation upscaling
Objectives of WP5
To support the IRC in organizing annual regional and continental policy engagement events and align the policy strategies of the IRC based on member state inclusion.
To develop appropriate and potentially innovative funding tools and prepare to launch a flagship (pilot) initiative supported by funders, and
- to promote demand-driven research programs supporting the FNSSA Roadmap, increase the IRC outreach, and broker and upscale research in the IRC.