WP 1 | Project Coordination


Leading Partner : FARA, AGRINATURA
Supporting Partners : CIRAD, WUR, YPARD, CORAF, ARC, All partners

List of tasks

Task 1.1 Setting up the IRC Secretariat
Task 1.2  Developing the IRC Strategy and operational plan
Task 1.3 Setting up the dissemination and communication structures
Task 1.4 Setting up CEA-FIRST project Management and Coordination arrangements
Task 1.5 CEA-FIRST/ IRC Gender and youth specific strategies


D1.1 – Minutes 1 of IRC  Signatories’ Meeting
D1.2 – Inception Report
D1.3 – Validated IRC Strategy and Operational plan
D1.4 – DEC Plan – initial
D1.5 – CEA-FIRST Stakeholder Engagement Video
D1.6 – Data Management Plan – Initial
D1.7 – Youth and Gender Strategy
D1.8 – CEA-FIRST project identity
D1.9 – CEA-FIRST project Website

Activity 1.1.1 on the establishment of IRC Governance Bodies
Activity 1.1.2 on Elaborating IRC Membership guidelines
Activity 1.2.1 on establishing a peer review mechanism involving intelligence gathering on funding needs.
Activity 1.2.2 is meant to conduct baseline studies including a situation analysis and Scenario mapping.
Under Activity 1.2.3, Stakeholder consultations at different levels; continental, regional and national levels
Activity 1.2.4 on the crafting of the strategy
Activity 1.2.5 is on the Review and Validation of the SOP
Activity 1.3.1. will develop a Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) plan.
Activity 1.3.2 will create a CEA-FIRST project identity for online and offline presentation.
Activity 1.3.3 will create a CEAFIRST newsletter.
Activity 1.3.4 will provide a CEA-FIRST website and later create the IRC website (these websites will be hosted by the coordinating institution- FARA)
Activity 1.3.5 will set up CEA-FIRST social media channels.
Activity 1.3.6 will produce a short video explaining the IRC
Activity 1.4.1: takes care of Technical, financial and project administration planning.
Activity 1.4.2 will establish cross-WPs actions/linkages to ensure coherence.
Activity 1.4.3: to monitor the project start up activities the MEL and quality assurance tools will be developed.
Activity 1.4.4: will establish processes and channels for internal communication, data management and storage.
Activity 1.4.5 will prepare a Data Management Plan (DMP) in line with the FAIR principles.
Activity 1.4.6 will set up ethical controls and guidelines and define the ethics requirements that the project must comply with and includes two main sub-activities
Activity 1.5.1 will develop gender and youth strategies for the IRC by drawing from existing gender and youth strategies of participating organizations.
Activity 1.5.2 aims at including young talent to serve the IRC and contribute to its long-term sustainability.

Purpose of WP1

The overall purpose of WP1 is to set the change process towards the IRC functioning in motion, lead its direction and facilitate the setting up of the IRC structures / services. WP1 will therefore focus on all start-up actions (for project management, organizational and implementation arrangements, communication and advocacy structure, and channels and for IRC governance processes, strategies and guidelines,) required to pave the way for an effective implementation of the ‘proof of the IRC concept’ phase to be coordinated under WP6

Objectives of WP1

      • To ensure the setting up of all governance structures, management, and strategic plans to provide direction for the implementation of the IRC.
      • To ensure a shared vision on IRC functions and services, validated by a wide community of IRC members.
      • To derive the specific implementation guidelines, quality assurance protocols and ethical controls to facilitate effective and efficient execution of the CEA-FIRST project consortium agreement in close collaboration with the policy and financial officers of the EC.