Call for FULL Membership of the AU-EU International Research Consortium (IRC) on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

 Kindly read the information provided on this page before registering

About the IRC-FNSSA

The International Research Consortium (IRC) on Food and Nutrition Security for Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) is a member-based, multi-actor coordinated research and innovation collaboration dedicated to the development of sustainable research, technological and innovative solutions and capacity building in priority areas of the Africa Union – European Union research and innovation partnership on FNSSA. The goal of the IRC is to address the long-standing problem of the highly fragmented R and I programmes, initiatives, and actors that has undermined returns on investments, by catalysing the synergies and alignment among them and creating a dynamic and long-term sustainable platform of partnerships, expertise, resources and shared knowledge towards promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems transformation and increased impact. Thereby contributing to food and nutrition security, resilience, youth employment and gender equity in Africa and Europe and to global SDGs.

Criteria for IRC-FNSSA Membership

IRC membership is open to all actors within the research and innovation space.

 Who Can Join?

The IRC welcomes applications from a wide range of institutions, including:

    • Academic Institutions, including University and Research Councils/Labs
    • Governments, International and Regional Organisations
    • Non-Profit Research Organisations and CSOs
    • R&D Public Funding Agencies
    • Extension organisations
    • Farmer’s organisations
    • Agriculture, STI and related line Ministries,
    • Small and medium enterprises,
    • Private sector organisations
    • Youth and Women organisations
    • Organisations of other Financial Sectors

To apply for membership, the organisation must be:

    • A legal entity
    • Willing to share resources (cash or in kind)
    • Willing to be part of an inclusive membership with equal decision-making opportunities
    • Willing to pay the minimum contribution fee of (Euros 1000)

Full Membership Benefits

IRC membership offers unique privileges, including; access to and visibility within the global IRC community. As a Network of networks, the IRC provides access to a variety of exclusive benefits to its members, including:

    • Finding partners with complementary skills and expertise across countries and regions
    • Priority access to information on current and expected AU-EU projects and policies
    • Knowledge exchange with other researchers, jointly exploring resource opportunities
    • Accessing value for money services at a low cost
    • Higher impact of R&I interventions in all its dimensions, and capacity to achieve these goals
    • Priority access to grants and funding opportunities for R&I, available through consortium channels to finance specific aspects of interest or launch specific calls, next to pooled funding

Associate Membership Benefits

    • Associate members are registered members that signed the IRC charter (Signatories) but have not paid the minimum annual subscription fee of Euros 1000
    • Associate members can have one tenure of two years ONLY
    • They will have no decision-making powers, but
    • Could participate in some research projects and contribute to projects and initiatives
    • Become a member of IRC Working Groups and an
    • Observer at General Assembly meetings

Complementary Membership Benefits

Joining the IRC-FNSSA partnership allows you to gain:

    • Access to visibility – allowing other IRC members and CEA-FIRST/IRC partners to identify your expertise
    • Enhance your networking– by connecting you with relevant conferences and workshops
    • Opportunities for assignments – to peer reviews or speaker assignments
    • Advancing partnership brokerage – to facilitate individual partnerships and collaboration, while also strengthening the IRC’s network

Exiting the IRC

    • Organisations may withdraw from the IRC by submitting a letter of withdrawal signed by the head of the organisation
    • A majority of the GA can decide to withdraw the membership of an organisation in situations of non-compliance of membership obligations.