WP 2 | Consolidation of Knowledge Management and monitoring, evaluation and learning tools to support the FNSSA roadmap update. 


Leading Partner : SLU/FARA
Supporting Partners : CIRAD, WUR, YPARD, CORAF, ARC, All partners

List of tasks

Task 2.1 Consolidation of Knowledge management
Task 2.2  Monitoring and evaluation of frameworks
Task 2.3 Provide and facilitate knowledge for brokerage
Task 2.4 Support to the update of the FNSSA roadmap


D2.1 – Project database-lessons learnt.
D2.2 – Analysis of FNSSA research activities
D2.3 – FNSSA Partnership MEL framework
D2.4 – CSA MEL Framework
D2.5 – Technical Assessment of systems for further engagements and systems integration
D2.6 – 1st Annual Partnership MEL report
D2.7 – Report of Functional D-groups
D2.8 – IRC Knowledge platform workshop report 1
D2.9 – IRC Knowledge platform workshop report 2
D2.10 – Review Report of the Implementation of the 2016-2026 FNSSA Roadmap
D2.11 – Recommendations on AU-EU R&I FNSSA Roadmap (2027-2037)

Activity 2.1.1 develops the FNSSA Project database
Activity 2.1.2 Updating KEOPS
Activity 2.1.3 builds one single interface for the existing tools.
Activity 2.1.4 creates Semi-automatization of the project database updates
Activity 2.2.1 Partnership MEL framework
Activity 2.2.2 IRC MEL framework: Participatory workshops will be facilitated with stakeholder representative groups of IRC members
Activity 2.3.1 collects, normalizes, and links heterogeneous data (interoperability) between relevant platforms.
Activity 2.3.2 implements Dgroups for engagements and as IRC contacts database.
Activity 2.3.3 Blog – Intelligence on Funding opportunities, supported by social media.
Activity 2.3.4 Monitor and evaluate the IRC knowledge platform effectiveness (Platform construction phase).
Activity 2.4.1: reviews the implementation of 2016-2026 FNSSA Roadmap
Activity 2.4.2 Multi-stakeholder consultations to validate review outputs and solicit input into the 2027-2037 Roadmap.
Activity 2.4.3: supports the drafting of the 2027-2037 Research and Innovation on FNSSA Roadmap:

Purpose of WP2

The overall objective of this WP is to provide relevant knowledge to support IRC members and other FNSSA stakeholders to implement planned activities, including the support to the update of the FNSSA Roadmap. The WP aims to facilitate public access and knowledge sharing through the further development and consolidation of existing knowledge management and monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) tools towards the preparation of a single online knowledge management and decision-making platform for the IRC occurring later in the project (WP4).

Objectives of WP2

      • To consolidate and update the existing FNSSA knowledge management system (KMS) tools towards the creation of one knowledge platform that will facilitate public access and knowledge sharing on relevant research activities and results.
      • To facilitate the utilization of the KMS for the adapted needs of FNSSA stakeholders

        and for the support to update the FNSSA Roadmap

      • To develop and validate a MEL framework that identifies and capitalizes on synergies with regional, EU, AU and local agricultural innovation system actors, enabling an impact-oriented Partnership MEL system

      • To develop a participatory IRC impact assessment framework that provides a

        structure from which the IRC is able to continuously refine its activities to ensure coherence with the diverse needs and priorities of its members.

      • to support the updating of the FNSSA Roadmap with new R&I priorities based on collectively identified knowledge gaps