* Date: 04 December 2024, 0:00
* Description: The 3rd International Conference on Geographical Science for Resilient Communities, Ecosystems and Livelihoods Under Global Environmental Change (Gorilla) is geared at contributing to the realization of the Global Development Agenda 2030. The transdisciplinary conference thus seeks to address issues of “how can science can help in bridging gaps and addressing sustainable development deficits”. The 3rd International GORILLA conference aims to take stock of margining geographic oriented science and knowledge for advancing the sustainability agenda. The GORILLA conference seeks to harness geographic science to advance knowledge and foster positive change in understanding and addressing sustainable development challenges and opportunities at local, regional, national, and global scales. The specific objectives are;
1. Facilitate exchange of contemporary resilience building knowledge and innovations in a transdisciplinary manner.
2. Enhance dialogue to bridge the science-policy-practice to address deficits for addressing pressing resilience challenges and shape policy agenda’s.
3. To enhance capacities and capabilities of early career scientists through mentorship and dedicated trainings focused on the sustainability agenda
4. Increase knowledge and scientific outputs from Sub Saharan Africa by facilitating special issue publications
5. Provide an opportunity for increased networking and beneficial partnerships from attendees with varied backgrounds and professional affiliations to address complex sustainable development challenges.
Organizers: IGU Commission of Biogeography and Biodiversity, the IGU Commission on African Studies, Uganda Geographical Association, IALE African Chapter