FONRID – Fonds National de la Recherche et de l’innovation pour le développement
FONRID is a governmental agency especially dedicated to finance research and innovation projects in Burkina Faso.
FONRID is mainly involved in WP2, in particular in the Task 2.4 ‘”funding networks and mechanisms”).
Dr Hamidou H. TAMBOURA (DVM, PhD) is a senior animal sciences scientist at the Scientific and technology research centre (CNRST), Burkina Faso, where he joined in 1985, serving at the Ministry of Higher education, scientific research and Innovation. More of his 30 years of scientific career was spent in research among: i) local breeds of ruminants, especially in Sahelian of West Africa and ii) indigenous knowledge in animal healing systems and pharmacology of veterinary medicinal plants in West Africa. He coordinated several national and international projects (CORAF/WECARD, INCO-DEV, PROCORDEL-EU, SANREM/CRSP-USAID, FSP/France) from 1994 to 2007. He actively participated in institutional building of the NARS and runned several collaborative projects involving EU/AU like ERAfrica. More recently, he was involved in LEAP-Agri, a joint EU-AU project where he is co-leading a process towards the establishment of an EU-Africa portal on FNSSA (co-leader of WP6 with BLE-Germany). He also led (2007 – 2011) an AFDB funded project aiming to develop livestock production in northern Sahelian Burkina Faso. Since 2012 until now, he is a senior member of CAMES scientific board, the international board in charge of promotion and advancement of all African francophone universities and research staff. He is nowadays the Director general of Research and Innovation for Development Funding Agency of Burkina Faso (FONRID).
Dr Inoussa ZONGO (Food Science Engineer, Ph.D on process and product engineering) is a senior researcher at national research center. He joined FONRID, the national funding agency when it was created during 2012. He is the head of Projects and programs M&E. As scientist at national research center, he works on pollution transfer, water treatment and soil remediation during 16 years. He has coordinated many studies on national water quality, research in the area of food contamination funded by international foundation for science (IFS) and united nations program for development (UNDP). He has helped also national agriculture bodies to propose procedures on international agriculture development program. He is coordinating and leading four PhD thesis on water and soil treatment.