Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterraneennes
Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei -Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari
CIHEAM-IAMB is the Italian operating facility of CIHEAM-IAMB, is a Centre for post-graduate training, applied scientific and design of in loco partnership actions within the framework of international research and cooperation programmes.
CIHEAM-IAMB Bari is involved in a number of activities which provide a platform for institutions and organizations. Its Cooperation and research actions concern issues such as food security, poverty alleviation, capacity building at institutional level, more efficient use of natural resources, improvement of agricultural production and productivity, promotion of organic farming, development of sustainable food systems, resilience to climate change, integrated management of coastal areas, gender empowerment, fisheries and aquaculture, etc.
CIHEAM-IAMB is main contribution to the project is as leader of WP4. As such, CIHEAM-IAMB will be committed to facilitate contacts and involvement of stakeholders, researcher and other actors in all dissemination and communication activities envisaged in WP4.
Claudio Bogliotti is Head of EU Research and Innovation Policies Unit at CIHEAM-IAMB Bari, coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation platform on R&I (MED-SPRING) and ERANET Mediterranean (ERANETMED). He has 30 years’ professional experience both as researcher (hydrogeology, water resources) and EU research project management / coordinator.
Maroun El Moujabber is the Officer of Internal planning and assessment at CIHEAM-IAMB Bari and he is involved in cooperation and development projects. He was the Manager of the SIAB Project INTERREG IIIA in the Balkan Area, Deputy Coordinator of MELIA Project INCO-CT-2005- 517612, in charge for the project Healthy Food for Life: FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-2008, Project number: 230848. He is the project Manager of ERANETMED EC FP7 Project n° 609475 and representing CIHEAM-IAMB Bari in LEAP-AGRI. Coordinator of CURE XF, H2020-MSCARISE-2016 Project Number: 734353. January 2016 – December 2017, he was a member of Horizon 2020 Advisory Group for Societal Challenge 6.
Virginia Belsanti, project contract officer at CIHEAM-IAMB with degrees in Political Science, Economics-International specialization, Diplomatic Studies (MA, London), Post-graduate Diploma in Management of Local Development (ILO), Certificate in Partnership Brokerage (London), Certificate in Writing in the Sciences (Stanford). She is an expert in EU project and policy planning.
Gaetano Ladisa, Scientific Consultant – Researcher at the CIHEAM-Bari Institute, with degrees in. Forestry Sciences, Irrigation, Hydrology. He has 15 years’ work experience in setting up and designing research and European research funding projects: AQUASTRESS (EC-FP6-IP), INNOVA (INTERREG III B – ARCHIMED 2000-06), INTEGRA (INTERREG/Cards-PHARE), LIFE+ Cent.Oli.Med.(LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450), MEDSPRING (FP7-INCO.2012-1.3 no. 311780), 4PRIMA (H2020-SC5-2016-2017), XF-ACTORS (H2020-SFS-2016-2017), addressed on sustainable management of natural resources, soil degradation and its mitigation, risk assessment of pest disease, Research and Innovation in agro-food sector