The Consortium Europe-Africa On Research and Innovations For Food Systems Transformation(CEA-FIRST) Stakeholders’ Engagement and Consultation Workshop)

Mercure Hotel Kuised 2, Namibia

This side event contributes to facilitating a dialogue between Africa Universities and research institutions on the International Research Consortium, as well as stakeholder inputs into processes for updating FNSSA 2016 roadmap to inform the development of the new roadmap for 2027-2037, its contents and the operationalization of the IRC.

Stakeholders Consultation Webinar on FNSSA Roadmap


The primary objective of the workshop is to gather feedback from national stakeholders about the achievements and lessons learned from the 2016-2026 FNSSA Roadmap, and to collectively devise a strategic course of action for developing the 2027-2037 FNSSA Roadmap. Concept Notes (English) Concept Notes (French) Zoom Registration Link: Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm EAT.

4th PANAP General Annual Meeting


Date: 17 October, 2024 @ 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM CET Theme: Engaging Policy, Science and Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems in Africa The 2024 General Annual Assembly of the Pan-African Network for Economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP) will be organized as an online virtual meeting. The assembly will be chaired by the Africa Union Commission (AUC), the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), and the European Commission (JRC and INTPA). All network partners are invited to participate. Registration:

4th Global Bioeconomy Summit 2024 – Nairobi, Kenya

Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

Theme: One Planet – Sustainable Bioeconomy Solutions for Global Challenges Date: 23-24 October, 2024 Location: Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya The Global Bioeconomy Summit (GBS) 2024 will gather leaders of bioeconomy from all hemispheres and will highlight a sustainable bioeconomy as the key to decarbonisation and sustainable transition to less fossil fuel dependent, rural and urban green economies; while building resilient and sustainable food systems, reversing biodiversity loss, meeting health challenges, and using innovation as a driver for new economic opportunities, especially jobs for the youth. The Summit brings together bioeconomy industry pioneers, bioeconomy experts around the world and fosters dialogue between widely different actors to promote sharing of best practices and to identify opportunities for global innovation and collaboration. The 4th Global Bioeconomy Summit will be hosted in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa on 23rd and 24th October 2024. GBS2024 will discuss: Cross sectoral topics (e.g., agri-food systems, forestry, ocean/aquatic, biomanufacturing, biopharma, biotechnology, biomaterials, and bioenergy) Ecosystems (e.g., nature / ecology, consumer products, construction, and urban design) Supporting mechanisms and enablers (e.g., policies, finance, standards, measurements, certifications). The GBS is a forum that fosters dialogue between widely different actors to promote sharing of best practices, to identify opportunities for global […]

CEA-FIRST Policy Side Event: Bridging Research and Policy through the AU-EU International Research Consortium on FNSSA

Rainbow towers hotel zimbabwe Rainbow towers hotel, Zimbabwe

The CEA-FIRST Policy Forum will bring together policymakers, funders, and higher education institutions to strengthen the AU-EU International Research Consortium (IRC) on Food Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA). Through structured dialogue and interactive sessions, participants will explore ways to reduce fragmentation in AU-EU collaboration, enhance evidence-based policymaking, and improve coordination of FNSSA-related funding. Keynote speakers and experts will provide insights into the IRC’s role in FNSSA collaborations, while interactive discussions will gather input to shape the IRC’s strategic direction, encouraging stakeholder dialogue and innovation for Africa’s agricultural systems. The session’s collaborative format will encourage dialogue between stakeholders and support CAADP’s agenda to create robust, evidence-based policy environments that drive innovation and inclusivity across Africa’s agricultural systems.This forum directly supports CAADP’s mission by addressing gaps in research, fostering strategic coordination, and promoting policies that contribute to Africa’s agricultural transformation and Agenda 2063 goals Download Concept note

20th CAADP Partnership Platform & 15th ADFNS Commemoration Sub-theme 3: Engaging Research and Innovation Building Digital and Climate-Resilient Agrifood Systems

Rainbow towers hotel zimbabwe Rainbow towers hotel, Zimbabwe

Africa and Europe share a profound and historically rooted connection characterized by diverse cultures, geographical proximity, and a commitment to a common future. Their commitment to a common future is grounded in mutual values such as respect for human rights, freedom, equality, solidarity, justice, the rule of law, and democracy—principles enshrined in the foundational texts of both the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU). This partnership has been strengthened through a series of Africa-EU Summits, including key meetings in Cairo (2000), Lisbon (2007), Tripoli (2010), and Brussels (2014). Notably, the Lisbon Summit produced the "Joint Africa-EU Strategy and Action Plan" (JAES), which established priorities for collaboration, particularly in Science, Information Society, and Space. Download Concept note

Tropical Summit 2024 – Lisbon

Lisbon Congress Centre , Portugal

This event will offer a unique opportunity to connect with global stakeholders and foster the exchange of ideas on the summit's four pillars. The Summit’s main objectives are thus designed to critically appraise within the context of the remaining timeframe of the SDGs, what can be realistically achieved, with whom, and with what resources, policy restructuring and strategies. It will also foster knowledge transfer, catalyze multidisciplinary collaboration, multiply synergistic pathways and stakeholder engagement, and contribute to co-creation and innovative projects, capitalizing and densifying the existing collaborative initiatives and platforms towards the swift implementation of tangible and robust solutions. The focus will be on propelling new partnerships and action via South-South-North multi-stakeholder cooperation and investment in the 4 major domains: P: Planetary Health: Nurturing life within the global boundaries A: Agricultural Development: Sustainability as a path to socioeconomic progress T: Territorial And Social Transitions: Building resilient spaces and societies in every dimension H: Human Growth: Empowerment and technology for the times ahead Date: November 4-8, 2024 Venue: Lisbon, Portugal Conference Registration ends – October 25, 2024 To Register, visit: